OMG- iPhone 3Gs/4 Tendonitis (i-tendonitis) from too much texting and thumbing!

Iphone tendonitis

View of the hand tendons from Gray’s Anatomy

Are you having thumb or hand pain from too much texting or iPhone use? WARNING: Blackberry users, amongst all others can also be affected!

A few weeks ago, I started to develop some right hand thumb pain. I noticed that it would become worse with the more texting  and iPhone app clicking I did.

I went down to my local pharmacy, purchased a wrist splint, minimized my texting and my symptoms improved. I attributed it to an excess thumb motions.

The thumb tendons  known as the extensor pollicis longus and brevis, which allow the thumb to extend,  were inflamed and therefore  not “too happy” with all the texting I was doing.   As a  physician, I frequently see people with tendonitis of various tendons,  but until recently, did not make the connection between cell phone use, texting and what I now call, iPhone tendonitis.

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Depending on your phone  model, you may have iPhone 3G tendonitis,  iPhone 3GS tendonitis, iPod Touch tendonitis  or even iPhone 4 tendonitis.  I also predict in the future, iPhone 5 thru 10  tendonitis will become a problem.   Now, I am not trying to pick on Apple, but Blackberry  tendonitis is probably common also.  I just have not seen it as of this writing.

The other day, a  young  mother  came into see me complaining of right thumb pain.  I quickly reflected on my tendonitis and inquired as to whether she had an iPhone. She said she did!  I asked her if her phone was new and whether she had  been using it excessively?   She had just bought  the newly released iPhone 4, loved it mucho, and as a result,  her symptoms started shortly thereafter.

I can proudly say I may have diagnosed  first known case  of  iPhone 4 tendonitis, aka, i-tendonitis, from here on out.   Perhaps I should submit my story to a medical journal but I figured this blog will get more readers overall than a boring medical journal!

The solution?  Text in moderation, use a wrist splint if needed  and NEVER NEVER text while driving! If your pain persists, please go see your physician since this is only a blog post and not real medical advice (my disclaimer)

Dr. Eric Madrid (7/11/10)

Author of Vitamin D Prescription, available on

9 responses to “OMG- iPhone 3Gs/4 Tendonitis (i-tendonitis) from too much texting and thumbing!

  1. Very interesting article, thank you for sharing with us

  2. I also have this pain (the reason I googled this and got directed to your website).

    I have been using my new iPhone 4 alot ever since I got it, texting and mostly web browsing on it for about a month now.

    I noticed that sometimes when im not using my right thumb, it shakes as if it has arthritis (i dont know how its spelled lol)

    I am not going to use it as much anymore from now on or when i do, switch from portrait with my left and then my right.

  3. I googled texting tendonitis and came across your page. Holy Smokes! the pain! it sucks, and it is now interfering in my everyday life. When I button my shirt, turn the knob on a door handle…. can I stop texting and emailing? it’s gonna me tough, so I’ve switched from left hand to right, albeit much slower but it’s better. How long will this pain persist? I have an idea for an ergonomic designed Iphone.

  4. I have had my iPhone 3GS a little over a year now and about a month ago my left thumb starting hurting and then locking down on me at tines. Now my right one is doing the same thing! Went to my doctor and had a nerve conduction test and it showed nothing at all, so now he is wanting to send me to a and surgeon but none of this started and I never had any problems with my thumbs till I got my iPhone


    I got the iPhone 4 two months ago, have an iPad also, consistently work on the computer through out the day and have the pain in both hands which are fairly small. Please submit this to the medical journal so apple can respond with more ergonomic products. I’m an avid apple user and I don’t want to get rid of my iPhone. Even their old mighty mouse I can use for a second without my hand cramping up.


      And also I don’t just text I email, browse the Internet, do my coupon shopping, Facebook, my boyfriend and I have two companies that support us along with my full time job doing data entry. I’m a shoe in for this kind of injury along with the fact that I’m for some reason prone to tendinitis. Is there some sort of vitamin I can take to strengthen my tendons? I think physical therapy may be my only hope for healing now.

      • I got it to. using my iphone i thought i was getting arthritus at 32 which scared me a bit. Noticed when i hold my iphone i tend to have the right side of the phone pressed into my palm and the left into my middle and ring fingers. That caused the wired burning sensation, in them and the palm, im aware of body anatomy so it was my tendion. I was just shocked by how wired it felt. Not all pain is the same thats for sure.

        im just glad im not that old yet. 🙂 but its hard, i like spreading good ideas and debating with my friends through text. Its easier than yelling in person haha.

  6. I am another victim! And it is further repeated by mousing when I’m not texting. Two big solutions: if you have an iPad, pricey I know, but you can type and text with all fingers, alternate hands, etc bc the onscreen keyboard is so big. Then, this feels amazing, hold your right thumb to your right palm, and sorta squeeze your hand into a roll, and focus on totally relaxing your hand, it isn’t easy! When you can totally go limp and let your left hand freely move your right hand, you will feel the tightness and pain fade.

  7. Hi, Mine is from typing and just general living but then I got an iPhone and it’s not actually from the texting but from the angle I am holding the phone at to see the screen and the weight of the phone on an already-damaged hand. I am right-handed and it’s the left that is damaged. I showed my partner and his hand holds the phone in a totally different way as he as quite large hands.

    I am icing and compressing and supporting my hand with an elastic bandage. I finished up getting an small elbow bandage and wearing on my wrist. Doubled-up in the day for extra support and then full-length at night to support the wrist but not squeezing or compressing too much. I think the splints are bad as they force the thumb into a weird flattened position and I think they cause extra damage. The wrist wraps were too narrow to support the whole area and annoying with the velco. This thing needs to come on and off all day.

    I am putting wet flannels (wash cloths) in the freezer and then they bend into a shape that will wrap around the wrist.

    I am NOT going to get cortisone. Read up and google and you probably will choose not too either. Damn stuff can even send you mad if your prone.

    I know this might even take six months. I am prepared to be patient.

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